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Project Me Podcast

with Kelly Pietrangeli

Jul 9, 2020

Funny and heartbreaking, nostalgic and embarrassing, Kelly opens up her diaries from age 10 through her teenage years. Fiercely independent from a very young age, she leaves Minnesota for the bright lights of Hollywood, then carries on to London as her adventures continue. 

Still an avid journal writer today, Kelly shares how braindumping on paper has saved her a fortune in therapy and how you can make journaling an important part of your personal growth too. 

Download the free PDF of journal prompts for writing to your younger self, writing from your older self, gratitude and challenge solving. 

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ABOUT THE HOST: Kelly Pietrangeli is the creator of and author of Project Me for Busy Mothers: A Practical Guide to Finding a Happier Balance. Join the global movement of women who are stepping out of auto-pilot and consciously creating their lives. #ProjectMe